Friday, November 5, 2010


You might say we've been too busy to blog this summer. Leif, Dustin, and Dave have spent their summer and fall out in the field, so to speak.

Here is a picture of our equipment line-up at the Noonan, ND port jobsite:

And in the Bluestone office, 4 people are busy at work making phone calls, filing paperwork, paying bills, and completing those darn mandatory government payroll reports. Did I mention only one of them is over the age of 3? Hence the lack of blogposts.

Though to be fair, the younger ones do sport some cool Bluestone paraphernalia:

So, what is going on here in Bluestone-land?

We are finishing up the port jobs that have taken us the majority of the summer and fall to complete. We had the demo, dirt-work, and excavating portions of the jobs.

Here is the Bluestone excavator installing some pipe on one of the port jobsites.

And of course, since this picture was taken around July... there has been much that has not been mentioned in this blog post. More to follow!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

And the Work Begins

Last week we started a nice big demolition and dirt-work project near the Noonan, ND border.

It rained all day, but the progress has begun!
Pictured: Leif makes his first scraper pass.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gearing Up For Spring...

The team at Bluestone Construction is gearing up for our spring projects. We welcome a couple new pieces of machinery to our fleet, which include a wheel loader & an excavator. The bulk of our work this year is excavating and dirt work projects.